Based in San Francisco Bay Area, Securesql is a blog by John Menerick. His insights dissect complex systems, offering a masterclass in cyber guardianship through expert analysis and cutting-edge protective strategies.

#Carberp vulnerabilities - Overview and poor cryptography

I logged into Reddit this morning and observed Carberp’s source code was released into the public domain.  Awesome.  Time to break “new” software and responsibly handle the botnets.  Last week, the 2.4+ GB svn repository was placed into a password protected zip file.  Earlier this week, someone shared the zip file’s password.

After acquiring the zip file and credential, I unpacked the zip file in a clean VM and started to poke around in the repository.  The project is an interesting read.  The project and related code is full fledged, feature rich with sizeable complexity and interdependencies.  With the immature svn commits, and lacking defensive, rugged coding techiniques, it is clear their internal SDL is lacking.  As typical, complexity is the enemy of security.  When secure coding practices aren’t followed,  underground crackers are just as affected as professional programmers.  The code looks like a typical software project with paying customers, regular updates, new features, and competitor espionage.   I was astonished by the sheer numbers and severity of the application security vulnerabilities I discovered in the software.   As I dig deeper into the source code and various comments, I will write additional blog posts on each area. 

To wet your appetite, let’s look at the project’s encryption implementations.

The secret sauce for zombies and C&C encryption algorithm is PHP’s openssl_seal and openssl_private_encrypt .  PHP’s openssl_seal utilizes RC4.  While specific RC4 implementations are considered by some to be “good enough,” I will point out this observation: NIST SP 800-52 doesn’t allow RC4 nor MD5 because they are not FIPS-approved algorithms.  Auditing Carberp’s implementation doesn’t lead credence to RC4 being setup securely.

      $publickey = openssl_get_publickey(is_file(OPEN_SSL_PUBKEY_PATH)? file_get_contents(OPEN_SSL_PUBKEY_PATH) : OPEN_SSL_PUBKEY_PATH);

      // Encrypt

      openssl_seal($plain, $crypttext, $ekey, array($publickey));



Where RSA is utilized, there is inadequate padding involved.  Hence weakening the encryption.  In this specific case, the RSA algorithm is used by PHP’s openssl_private_encrypt function but doesn’t use OAEP padding.  Implementation fail. 

openssl_private_encrypt($_POST['domains'], $hosts, $keys['priv']);


Development's favorite hash is md5.  I have found over 130 md5 uses through various components.  FYI: md5 is a weak cryptographic hash known to not guarantee integrity and should not be used in security critical contexts.  Malware is used in security critical contexts.  Enough said.  

Malicious executables are a simple md5 hash with a random number added to it.

$fname = md5($md5 . time() . mt_rand()) . '.exe'; 

Not computationally hard to reverse engineer and write signatures to detect carberp executables.

In the jabber communication channels, cnonces are generated with a base 64 encoded, unique md5 hash of a random number.  Complexity is the enemy here.  The weakest chain is that the system relies on md5.  Effectively rendering the magical base 64 encoding and randon number generation nonce no better than a typical md5 hash generated with a weak random number generator.

// better generate a cnonce, maybe it's needed

                $decoded['cnonce'] = bas

base64_encode(md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true)));


The control panel user’s credentials are stored in a md5 hash.  It is worth mentioning it is plausible to take down a command center by submitting POSTs with computationally complex passwords which forces needless and expensive cpu calculations.  One’s mileage may vary.  I suspect one will suck up all available web server threads long before php’s md5 hash function will clobber the cpu.

$pass = md5($_POST['pass']); 


I understand implementing cryptography is hard but it isn’t this hard.  I can’t wait to dive deep into the code.

#Carberp vulnerabilities - C&C pie

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